Summaraizer Gitlab

summaraizer gitlab #

Fetches comments from GitLab issues

Synopsis #

To summarize a GitLab issue, use the format owner/repo/issue_number. You always have to provide a token. If you have a custom GitLab instance, you can provide the URL with the –url flag. Note that we only fetch the top-level comments. Nested comments are ignored.

summaraizer gitlab [flags]

Examples #

summaraizer gitlab --issue ioki-mobility/summaraizer/1 --token <token>
summaraizer gitlab --issue ioki-mobility/summaraizer/1 --token <token> --url

Options #

  -h, --help           help for gitlab
      --issue string   The GitLab issue to summarize. Use the format owner/repo/issue_number.
      --token string   The GitLab token.
      --url string     The URL of the GitLab instance. (default "")