summaraizer #

Summarizes comments from a variety of sources, such as GitHub issues, Slack threads, Reddit posts, and more using AI models from different providers, such as Ollama, OpenAI, and more.


Installation #

  • Download pre-built binaries from the releases page
  • Install via go toolchain:
go install

Source vs Summarization #

The CLI is split up into two parts. The source part and the summarization part. First you need to fetch comments from a source, then you can summarize the comments.

Of course, you can also do both independently.

Source aka. fetching comments #

The general usage is:

summaraizer [SOURCE] [flags] 

Example sources are:

  • github
  • gitlab
  • slack
  • reddit

The source writes to Stdout and writes the output in a JSON format:

        "author": "Author1",
        "body": "Body1"
        "author": "Author2",
        "body": "Body2"

Summarization aka. calling providers #

The general usage is:

summaraizer [PROVIDER] [FLAGS]

Example providers are:

  • ollama
  • anthropic
  • openai
  • google

The provider reads from Stdin and requires a special JSON format as input:

        "author": "Author1",
        "body": "Body1"
        "author": "Author2",
        "body": "Body2"

Configuration and flags #

Each source and provider has a unique set of flags. Some flags are required, while others are optional. If you do not provide the required flags, you will be prompted to enter them.

Alternatively, you can specify app flags (both required and optional) in a configuration file named config.json. The JSON format uses the same key names as the flag names, and each provider or source can be included as an optional object in the JSON file.

Example configuration file:

  "github": {
    "token": "[TOKEN]"
  "ollama": {
    "model": "llama3.2:3b"
  "openai": {
    "token": "[TOKEN]",
    "model": "gpt-4o-mini"
  "anthropic": {
    "prompt": "Count the comments in the following discussion.\nEach comment is divided into a <comment> tag.\nHere is the discussion:\n{{ range $comment := . }}\n<comment>{{ $comment.Body }}</comment>\n{{end}}"

You can also provide flags via environment variables. The env. variables should have a prefix of SUMMARAIZER_ and the provider/source name in uppercase, followed by the flag name in uppercase and separated by an underscore.

For example


// The following command will use the environment variables
summaraizer github --issue ioki-mobility/summaraizer/1 | summaraizer openai

A combination of both (config file and env. variables) is also possible of course:

cat config.json
  "gitlab": {
    "url": "",
  "google": {
    "model": "gemini-1.5-pro"


summaraizer gitlab --issue ioki-mobility/issue/1 | summaraizer google

The CLi searches in the following directories for the configuration file (config.json):

  • . (current directory)
  • $HOME/.config/summaraizer
  • $HOME/.summaraizer

Tips and tricks #

Custom source #

Using a provider to summarize from a custom¹ source:

echo '[{"author": "Author1", "body": "I like to"}, {"author": "Author2", "body": "Move it!"}]' | summaraizer ollama

¹: Custom source means that you can provide your own comments in the JSON format.

Custom prompt #

Customize the prompt to fit your needs, using Go templates:

summaraizer github --issue ioki-mobility/summaraizer/1 | summaraizer ollama --prompt 'Please count the comments in the following discussion.\nEach comment is divided into a <comment> tag.\nHere is the discussion:\n{{ range $comment := . }}\n<comment>{{ $comment.Body }}</comment>\n{{end}}'

The prompt will receive a struct in form of Comments, with the following structure:

type Comments []Comments

type Comment struct {
    Author string
    Body   string

Go module #

Installation #

go get

Example #

package main

import (

func main() {
	buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
	gh := summaraizer.GitHub{
		RepoOwner:   "ioki-mobility",
		RepoName:    "summaraizer",
		IssueNumber: "1",
	err := gh.Fetch(&buffer)
	if err != nil {

	openAi := summaraizer.OpenAi{
		Model:    "gpt-4o-mini",
		Prompt:   "A prompt that can make use of templates. See the Comments type",
		ApiToken: "API-TOKEN",
	summarization, err := openAi.Summarize(&buffer)
	if err != nil {
